SpaceGame2 by Jim Lewis

Site last revised 12/31/2024


Opening Screen

Ready to bomb planet

Alien ship close to player planet

Alien ship really close to player planet

Player ship under attack

The Dark Quadrant

Won the bonus on Level 10!

This is an old style space civilizations type of game. It is a Java application and so will require a Version 1.8 Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your laptop or desktop PC. If needed see the Oracle website for more information. The game reads and writes files only in the directory the game is installed in. It will do nothing else to your system.

These files are included in the package:

SG2-install.txt - shows how to install Java for the game.

SG2-playgame.txt - shows how to play the game.

SG2-quickcommands.txt - Quick Commands Reference sheet.

Click to download:

Version 12/31/2024

I welcome all comments. Please email me: